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Friday, April 15

 Good Friday

John 18:1-19:42

As a child growing up in a Southern Baptist church I could never figure out what was so good about Good Friday. My young mind was full of images of Jesus being beaten and then nailed to a cross. That day of remembrance was so very different from all the beauty, love and joy that followed two days later.

In 2004 I watched the movie, The Passion of the Christ and was powerfully affected by it. I sat in the theatre at the ending with other folks still sitting in their seats – quietly weeping before exiting the theatre. I ignored the critics who bashed the movie as “too violent.” I wanted to counter with, “how do you know it wasn’t that brutal as Jesus was flogged?” Maybe the director did something worthwhile in helping us vividly get in touch with what happened that fateful day 2000+ years ago.

When reading today’s passage the imagery is striking. Take a few moments with each phrase below – see and feel in your mind and heart what John is describing.

A garden at night.

Soldiers intrude

Betrayals – first Judas – then Peter

Words with Pontius Pilate


Crown of thorns and a purple robe

“Crucify him. Crucify him!”

Golgatha – The Place of the Skull

Jesus nailed to the cross

“Jesus of Nazareth – King of the Jews”

Mary, his mother, and Mary Magdalene looking upon Jesus as he was dying

“Here is your mother”

Sour wine on a branch of hyssop

“It is finished.” He bowed his head and gave up his spirit.

Blood and water poured out from his side – a prophecy fulfilled.

Joseph of Arimethea removed his body and laid him in a new tomb

These verses tell a story of an excruciating, suffocating death of an innocent soul – God’s only beloved son – one who never sinned – one who consistently healed, preached, encouraged, forgave and loved his entire life. When we can feel this massive sacrifice as God’s complete atonement of every sin we have ever committed or will commit we can grasp finally the goodness of Good Friday. It is good indeed.

Thanks Be to God!

Reflection by Sara Vale

Read Today’s Scripture
