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April 16

Saturday, April 16
Holy Saturday
John 19:38-42

We find ourselves once again at the tomb of Jesus with Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus. They both admired Jesus, but “in secret” and “at night.” They were afraid to be what they say they believe, because it’s too scary to proclaim it in public.

Every year we get the chance to put ourselves in this place, to dig deep, and look at the dark recesses of our hearts. When could I have stepped out, in the daytime, in public, and followed the example of Christ? I can only answer for myself. That neighbor that I can see is hurting, but I’m feeling awkward about knocking on the door and saying “I’ve been thinking about you.” The homeless man sitting on the curb near the fast-food restaurant, who really could use a person to talk to, but then I might be late to an important appointment. The family member who is difficult to spend time with, and who only gets worse the more they are alone.

Lucky for us, we also get to spend time each year thinking about how they tried to make amends – the new tomb, the spices and the shroud. I feel two divergent things as I ponder what they must have felt. I imagine their deep sadness and regret as they wondered whether things would be different if they had spoken up before it was too late. I also imagine the strength of their reverence and gratitude for Christ, and their desire to do what they can do now. I pray that each day I can be more open to what the Holy Spirit calls me to do for Christ as I see him in each person I encounter.

Reflection by Kate Ainsworth-Bowles
