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April 13

Wednesday in Holy Week
Wednesday, April 13 2022
John 13:21-32

Friends, in today’s Gospel reading, we see Jesus exposing Judas Iscariot as his betrayer.  Jesus tells Judas, referring to his act of betrayal, “What you are going to do, do quickly.”  The other disciples are confused, thinking that Jesus was sending Judas on a ministry errand.

Why didn’t Jesus fully expose Judas so that he could be stopped?  Why did Jesus let, even seem to encourage, Judas to betray Jesus?  We don’t know.  Perhaps Jesus knew that Judas had already made up his mind, and there was no dissuading him.  Perhaps Jesus knew that the Scriptures had to be fulfilled, that he had to suffer the cross so that the resurrection could happen.  Perhaps Jesus knew that sin and death do not have the final say, but life everlasting.

But in telling Judas to go and do it quickly, Jesus shows that Jesus remains in control over this dark situation, even while he was the one betrayed.  When we lament in sorrow and suffer the effects of sin, our faith helps us know that even evil is under the authority of Jesus.

Reflection by Keith Tan
